The UK MarketPlace - About Us

I love Google!

What a statement to make at the beginning of the About Us page, but keep with me and I'll explain the reason why. Even in this day of large bandwidths and superfast broadband, there are still many areas of bottleneck. Google's home page has one image, a search box and various text links - That is it, they have not found it necessary to cram in as many advertisements, pictures, sales pitches, long news stories etc as many others have. They keep it simple and this is what The UK Marketplace would like to be recognised as.

TUM will not be selling in every bit of space available, in fact apart from the listed services and businesses the will be no advertisements at all - Not even Google ones.

We aim to provide a venue for online shoppers to see all the choices available when getting quotes or finding that particular purchase. I would like to say that our pages are set out without preference and they generally are, but on occasions there are some listings that are outrageously placed at the top. This is by our choice and not by any incentive. A good example is the WebHoster JustHost. They are placed at the top because they host The UK Marketplace - As simple as that!

However, The UK Marketplace does have to pay for itself and we utilise the excellent available affiliate programs wherever we can. This means that, for The UK Marketplace, when a user clicks on a link and makes a purchase or gets an online quote we get a small fee paid back to us. For the user, affiliates are able to directly pass on any discounts and promotions. Some of these are only available to affiliate programs as an incentive to promote those particular products or services. So that we give an reasonably even playing field, The UK Marketplace does list businesses and services that do not offer an affiliate program, we would think it very unfair that we only display listings that only pay us.

So in a nutshell, The UK Marketplace wants you, the customer, to start here when internet shopping. We want to offer as many of the best online choices as possible in one venue.

Good luck and happy shopping!

The UK Marketplace team