Welcome to The UK MarketPlace.

This is the UK MarketPlace and has been designed and published on the internet to bring some choice to the consumer. Among the pages you will find the most popular brands and products that are available, from High Street names to the very best in internet shopping.

Unlike other listing websites, The UK MarketPlace is not going to have advertisements pasted all over the site. There will be no ads displayed - just the services advertised. This statement forms part of our business rationale and will be more clearly defined and published in the About Us page.

Take a look around, when you click a tab in the above menu each of the categories have sub categories. For instance, click the Insurance tab and there will be another menu showing the different types of insurance available such as Car, Motorcycle, House & Home, Commercial and others.

For a detailed list of sections and categories, click the sitemap link at the bottom of the page

As you will notice, this site is not quite complete yet. However, please return in a few days, it may be worth it!

Any queries with this website or you just wish to comment please email